Научный поиск: вестник кафедры педагогики и психологии
Электронный научный журнал

Педагогические науки
Multicultural competence as a social and pedagogical phenomenon
Bulygin A.M. 1

1. The Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute


The problem of cross-cultural interaction is especially important for science in connection with going through a difficult process of transformation of the Russian culture and the complex inter-ethnic relations. It is therefore at the forefront of modern social and cultural situations are problems of formation of multicultural competencies that define all aspects of intercultural vzaimodeystviya.V modern domestic pedagogy observed a significant disadvantage in the elaboration of the issue, and the author of the publication in the course of his analysis is trying to solve the problem.

Keywords: the formation of multicultural competence, multicultural education, multicultural competence

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